What do you think of The Family Worship Book by Terry Johnson?

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I am seriously considering purchasing this book ASAP. I think it looks like a good resource for a family worship liturgy etc.
If you want a free sample, CJ, here's a quote from the book, taken from a transcript of one of J. Ligon Duncan's sermons:

How does the commitment to public worship relate to the family's spiritual well being? The effect upon parents is clear enough. Spiritually nourished parents make for better families. But the family pew has more in mind than sanctifying the parents. When your children are brought with you into public worship, they too are sanctified. Your children from their earliest years will be ushered along with you into the presence of God. They will be brought under the means of grace and will experience the fellowship of God´s people, week after week, as they mature through childhood. And beyond this, they will sit by you Sunday after Sunday watching you, you publicly humble yourself before God, publicly submit to His word. Among their earliest and warmest memories will be those of holding their parent´s hands during church, sitting close by their sides, following along in the hymnal, placing money in the offering plate, bowing their heads in prayer; do not underestimate the cumulative effect of this witness upon your covenant children, no doubt it is considerable even incalculable. The key to your own, and your family´s spiritual health is remarkably simple. Though there is considerable hype to the contrary, it involves no pilgrimages to sacred places, it requires no weeklong or weekend retreats, seminars or special programs. It depends on no special techniques or novel methodologies. You don't have to spend yet another night out. You won't need to add one more meeting to an already frantic schedule. The key is to be found in regular, ordinary, weekly worship services of the church. It is not a glamorous key, but it is the key nonetheless. Sit together at church.

[Edited on 5-27-2006 by Laura]
I have the book, it's helpful if you struggle with implimenting family worship. It has some good outlines of how family worship can look like as well.
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