"What If..." the movie

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Jack K

Puritan Board Doctor
Has anyone here seen the new Christian movie "What If..."? My tiny city seldom gets anything but major releases, yet this film is suddenly playing at the local multiplex.

The trailer suggests to me sappy drivel with a message that's sweet and seemingly Christian but not very subtle, with a few bits of bad theology thrown in. But maybe I'm just used to "Christian" movies that aren't very good as movies. Maybe I should be more charitable and give this one a chance.

Do you have any thoughts? Or better yet, actual well-informed feedback?
I think you will just waste God's time by watching this movie. It's no more different than any other Hollywood-produced Christian movie which serve for only one purpose: ENTERTAINMENT.
Seeing as how it's been heavily promoted by the Total Blasphemy Network, there's strike one.

It stars Kevin Sorbo from Hercules -- strike two.

It's a "Christian" rip-off of the Nick Cage movie "The Family Man," which was just an awful cheese-fest -- strike three.
What if...I don't watch it.

Actually, my favorite "what if" was from the 1970's version of Saturday Night Live. The round table of scholars asked the following "what if". "What if Napoleon had a B-52 at the Battle of Waterloo?"
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