What it Means to be "Led by the Spirit," Romans 8.14

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An excellent and practical sermon on what it means to be "led by the Spirit," (Romans 8.14). It's only 25 pages, and, doctrinally, it demystifies much of the modern take on being "led by the Spirit," correcting some abuses and confusions which accompany that (mis)understanding. Practically, it has a concise description, helps to, and benefits of being led by the Spirit. It's from the Rev. Thomas Jacombe in Volume 3 of "The Mornihg Exercises at Cripplegate," or "Puritan Sermons" on Logos, pp. 585-610. I've linked below to the free version from Google Books.

I think of George Mueller and George Whitefield and their personal piety. Both got up early in the morning and prayed the bible upon their knees. That is an open bible lay before them on a chair and they upon their knees, reading, meditating, orating the words until joy and faith be kindled therein. Calvin said the Holy Spirit is the author of faith and faith is the author of prayer; hence the word mediates this. If one cannot get up in the morning to kindle hope in the bright and morning star, even Christ our King, will one not seek this fleshly allurements of this world? Awake out of your slumber and sleep and Christ will give you the light; one should give Christ the first fruits of the morning. The Spirit will lead us to get up before the day approaches, yes the Day of judgment.
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