What sermon has most impacted your life?

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Puritanboard Assessor
We often list our favorite preachers and those who have really edified us but specifically, what are some particular sermons that have really helped you out?

Some of my favorites are:
1) John Piper's sermon on Romans 9: "The Freedom of His Mercy and the fame of his Name."

2) Sinclair Ferguson's 3-part series at Piper's Pastor's Conference: "Good fences, Bad Fences, and the Glory of Christ."
Does Christs sermon n John 6 count? hahhahhaha

one of the best I have read is

Bunyan: the barren fig tree

CHS : Gods Sov $ Mans Resp. based on Romans 10

in person, this little old man I heard preach once on Eph: 1

He was like 90 yrs old. 100 lbs. not very eloquent. But the SPirit was in him.
I would have to say R.C. Sproul speaking on predestination. That is when I had my very first introduction to the doctines of grace which changed my life forever. Another one that later convinced me of the depth of my sin and depravity was a sermon by Rev. John Wagner called "God's Hell." It is the most powerful sermon on hell and why we deserve it next to "Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God." It is available for download on Sermon Audio and is actually the 5th most downloaded sermon there, SIHOAG being 1st.

God's Hell
I hope no one will mind if I say....almost each and every one of my pastor's sermons impact me --- most deeply. It's not about the homiletics --- it's because each one is about Christ. Take a look at some of them (they're in text and audio form.) This one's on Galatians:


The idea is to "preach Christ" each Lord's Day....which is the method they're teaching the guys at Westminster (Horton, et al.)

Frankly, I don't care if it's Kim Riddlebarger speaking --- all I care about is what is being said --- and I'm afraid that I only want to hear about Christ on the Lord's Day.


The sermon the Baptist preacher preached the day I became a Christian. Praise God for his unspeakable gift.

I couldn't agree more!!!

That's a GREAT sermon by Dr. Riddlebarger you posted.


[Edited on 3-31-2005 by Larry Hughes]
There have been many. One of the most stirring though for me was the first time I heard pastor link the passover to the crucifixion in detail. I still get goosebumps.....
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

I am listening to "Meet the Puritans" by Dr. Don Kistler. On "The Purtans on Hell", he says that the only sermon scarier than Edwards is Thomas Vincent's "Fire and Brimstone." Has anyone read this?
"Man of God" by John MacArthur
"No Neutral Ground" Al Martin
"Free offer of the Gospel" Sinclair Ferguson
i have the same story as augusta above.....

the old, old story by Spurgeon....it's easy to find although i don't have time to link it...FIND IT and respond....grace and peace as we all go into the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banana::banana::banana:
"The sermon the Baptist preacher preached the day I became a Christian. Praise God for his unspeakable gift."

Me too. I don't even remember the pastor's name but I remember really understanding grace and how liberating it was!
The Sunday morning when our preacher stood and read the Sermon on the Mount and then sat down. His name was Jim Woodruff. He is one of the best preachers I know. That Sunday made and impact upon the congregation which lasts to this day. It was over 30 years ago.
Thomas Vincent's "Fire and Brimstone." Has anyone read this?

Yes, and its excellent. Its right up there with Edward's "Sinners..."

Best sermon I ever HEARD:
One of Dr. Donnaly's sermons. Not sure which one I would pick. Myabe the series on hell. Maybe on salvation.
Originally posted by webmaster
Thomas Vincent's "Fire and Brimstone." Has anyone read this?

Yes, and its excellent. Its right up there with Edward's "Sinners..."

Best sermon I ever HEARD:
One of Dr. Donnaly's sermons. Not sure which one I would pick. Myabe the series on hell. Maybe on salvation.

Is that Edward Donnely?
Edward Donnelly is Pastor of Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland. He is also a Prof. of NT literature in the Reformed Theological College (http://www.rpc.org/college/) in Belfast. He is not a Dr as he ain't got a PhD but he is right up there with the finest NT Greek teachers.

Ted is widely respected for his gracious pastoral care and powerful preaching. Although outside of reformed Presbyterian circles he tends to be somewhat of an unknown in Northern Ireland. A true shame.

His sermons on hell are amongst the best I have ever heard or read on this terrible topic.

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