I decided, in light of recent threads where the defense of the Regulative Principle of Worship is greeted as some odd growth out of a person's forehead to remind everyone of a rule:
Do you remember that "I agree to the Rules" thing you checked when you applied? That was one of them.
You see, when you come into a community designed to be a place where Reformed people discuss things and we set up rules that say that the board is hosted to serve the Confessionally Reformed then why the shock and awe when you start interacting with people and they post as if they are Confessionally Reformed?
You believe in the Regulative Principle for Worship?!
Are you a {whisper}legalist{/whisper}. Why, only the theological wannabes believe in the RPW.
Gents, if you despise certain principles of Reformed theology so much then why are you here kicking against the goads? It's not like we have the Confessions locked in a vault somewhere that make it hard to figure out where we stand on a principle.
I must be very forthright because I often feel like a man who has owns a public pool that has rules posted outside: Don't pee in the pool.
Then a guy comes in and pees in the pool after he's signed the rules saying he agreed to them. I'm patient for a while because I want to be courteous and patient with people who may have been skimming over the rules when they came in. After all, we're all excited to go swimming right away so maybe he missed that part.
So I kindly remind people that, in this pool, we don't do that.
But then the guy does it again. When I ask him why, he's like: Prove to me that it's wrong to pee in the pool. I try to be patient and kind but, after a while, I've got to say: "Dude! Read the rules again. This is a community of people that doesn't pee in the pool. It's not up to me to prove to you that it's bad. You're welcome to stay if you stop doing that but don't make us all justify why we're not like the pool down the street where that behavior is perfectly acceptable."
It's not often that I enforce the "rules" on Worship. I simply think it is completely unfair to the several hundred members who have Biblical convictions on the subject of worship for the guy who says: "I'm just like you" when he agrees to the rules but then he comes in and trashes everyone's consistently Reformed conviction on the subject. He is shocked and horrified over the Reformed responses he receives and refers to it as legalism. If you think the Reformed are a bunch of legalists then why'd you join our forum to begin with?
This, ladies and gentlemen, I consider extremely rude. But I was raised to be patient with rude people. I'm simply asking you to consider your audience if you are not on board with the RPW and remember that, if you do not agree with the Reformed, you are here as an exception to the rule.
8. Remember that this is a Reformed Discussion Group.
The Puritanboard uses volunteer moderators as leadership to facilitate general order and guide the Reformed discussions that they may be exhortative as well as educational to the Reformed Christian. Many of the moderators and affiliates on Puritanboard are actively involved in Pastoring churches; the others being involved in various ministerial capacities at their respective local churches. The board and owners feel that order originates with God. Moderators follow Reformed principles and convictions, and we have openly allowed using the Reformed Confessions as a starting principle by which any moderator or member must abide by. The order that the moderators help facilitate is to be aligned with their statements of faith (comprised in the Westminster Confession of Faith, The Canons of Dordt, The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, and Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689)
Do you remember that "I agree to the Rules" thing you checked when you applied? That was one of them.
You see, when you come into a community designed to be a place where Reformed people discuss things and we set up rules that say that the board is hosted to serve the Confessionally Reformed then why the shock and awe when you start interacting with people and they post as if they are Confessionally Reformed?
You believe in the Regulative Principle for Worship?!

Gents, if you despise certain principles of Reformed theology so much then why are you here kicking against the goads? It's not like we have the Confessions locked in a vault somewhere that make it hard to figure out where we stand on a principle.
I must be very forthright because I often feel like a man who has owns a public pool that has rules posted outside: Don't pee in the pool.
Then a guy comes in and pees in the pool after he's signed the rules saying he agreed to them. I'm patient for a while because I want to be courteous and patient with people who may have been skimming over the rules when they came in. After all, we're all excited to go swimming right away so maybe he missed that part.
So I kindly remind people that, in this pool, we don't do that.
But then the guy does it again. When I ask him why, he's like: Prove to me that it's wrong to pee in the pool. I try to be patient and kind but, after a while, I've got to say: "Dude! Read the rules again. This is a community of people that doesn't pee in the pool. It's not up to me to prove to you that it's bad. You're welcome to stay if you stop doing that but don't make us all justify why we're not like the pool down the street where that behavior is perfectly acceptable."
It's not often that I enforce the "rules" on Worship. I simply think it is completely unfair to the several hundred members who have Biblical convictions on the subject of worship for the guy who says: "I'm just like you" when he agrees to the rules but then he comes in and trashes everyone's consistently Reformed conviction on the subject. He is shocked and horrified over the Reformed responses he receives and refers to it as legalism. If you think the Reformed are a bunch of legalists then why'd you join our forum to begin with?
This, ladies and gentlemen, I consider extremely rude. But I was raised to be patient with rude people. I'm simply asking you to consider your audience if you are not on board with the RPW and remember that, if you do not agree with the Reformed, you are here as an exception to the rule.