Where does Augustine address the meaning of Matthew 18:17?

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I have a reference from George Gillespie, an opaque reference to Augustine. He says: "And that scandalous trespasses are understood, Matthew 18:19 (as Augustine, Tostatus, and many others have observed." No problem finding the Tostatus, but what work by Augustine addresses this? My searches so far on the Latin for that verse only turn up Speculum de evangelio Matthaei (or De Scriptura sacra speculum in Migne), which appears to simply be a compilation of Scripture texts; no commentary.
Can you clarify: The thread title indicates, 18:17, post 1 indicates 18:19, post 2 indicates 18:15...
18:19 (I've been doing that all afternoon for some reason); and for the other, preachers preach on more than one verse. Hence the 18:15.
Possibly, Augustine, Sermon 32 on Matthew 18:15, in Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament, vol. 1 (Oxford: Parker, 1844), pp. 254ff. Not sure what that equates to in the Latin but this may be good enough. https://books.google.com/books?id=pFY14OmxueEC&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=SERMONS (81-90) ON SELECTED LESSONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT&pg=PA254#v=onepage&q&f=false

P. 262: "Therefore those sins are to be reproved before all, which are committed before all; they are to be reproved with more secresy, which are committed more secretly. Distinguish times, and Scripture is in harmony with itself."
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