Your question is one that has perplexed many including myself. Yes, there is no denying that the gospels depict two consecutive Passovers. Those who claim that Jesus and his disciples did not observe the Passover in the Last Supper not only deny Scripture but implicitly make Jesus a law breaker.
The answer to your question is found in understanding the importance of the Hebrew calendar for the festivals (i.e., Passover) and the authority of the Sanhedrin. I will not labor the details of this lunisolar calendar with its 19 years cycles and intercalary months so to keep Passover always in the spring (you can do the research yourself). What is important to the question at hand are the following points:
1. The two most important months were the 1st (Nissan) and the 7th (Tishri). Nissan marked the new ecclesiastical year for Israel and contained the Passover / Unleavened Bread Festival (14th / 15th). Tishri marked the new civil year which contained Rosh Hashanah or feast of Trumpets (observed on the 1st), Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (observed on the 10th) and Feast of Booths / Tabernacles (observed for 8 days beginning on the 15th).
2. During the time of Christ the Hebrew calendar was determined by both calculations and observations of a new crescent by at least two eyewitnesses (marking the beginning of the month). The testimony of at least two witnesses always took priority over calculations. After the witnesses were cross-examined by the court and found sound, the court would send out messengers and light fires on mountaintops to inform the people that a new month began.
3. The Sanhedrin’s authority included postponing the beginning of Nissan (adding an extra month, Adar II) and thus postponing Passover if the barley was not yet ripe, the winter rains had not stopped (causing impassible roads / bridges thus inhibiting all to come to Jerusalem to keep the Passover), inadequate lambs available, or any other reason that would make it difficult to keep the Passover.
4. Sometimes the testimony of the witnesses was uncertain. If the calculations and observation were close but not off by more than one day, the court would be on the safe side and declare two consecutive new moons and thus a second day for celebrating the festivals (i.e., Passover / Trumpets).
5. Sometimes, due to bad weather, the messengers and signals would not reach all the Jewish people, especially outside of Jerusalem. Thus the Sanhedrin, to avoid confusion and uncertainty, would institute a second day for celebrating the festivals (i.e., Passover / Trumpets).
In the year of our Lord’s crucifixion, we see God’s wise providential hand working. More than likely one of these two above scenarios took place causing the Sanhedrin to declare two consecutive Passovers (at the very least we can be sure that for some reason the Sanhedrin did declare two Passovers). Hence Christ and the disciples could keep the Passover, instituting Lord’s Supper and yet the very next day become the sacrificed Passover lamb.