Robert Traill (The Throne of Grace), Works 1:86-87:
It is as incredible to an awakened conscience, that God should justify a sinner, as it was to reason, that Abraham should have a son by Sarah. Our only way is, to consider the promise. God hath said it, and he will perform it, and I will believe it. If all the angels in heaven, or faithful men on earth, had said, that God will save me from sin and wrath by Jesus Christ; that such a vile creature as I am in myself, shall be accepted in that beloved, I durst not believe it. But when God himself hath said so, why should I doubt it? God’s promise in the gospel deserves our highest trust and confidence; and such as view it in all its grace, truth, and power, will pay it that due.
It is as incredible to an awakened conscience, that God should justify a sinner, as it was to reason, that Abraham should have a son by Sarah. Our only way is, to consider the promise. God hath said it, and he will perform it, and I will believe it. If all the angels in heaven, or faithful men on earth, had said, that God will save me from sin and wrath by Jesus Christ; that such a vile creature as I am in myself, shall be accepted in that beloved, I durst not believe it. But when God himself hath said so, why should I doubt it? God’s promise in the gospel deserves our highest trust and confidence; and such as view it in all its grace, truth, and power, will pay it that due.