William Beveridge on the power of the keys and the power of the sword

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
But for the better opening and confirming of this we must call to mind how the most high God, the supreme Governor of all churches and states in the world, hath been pleased, for the more orderly government of both, to settle a distinct power in each, the power of the keys in the church, and the power of the sword in the state, answerable to the two essential parts of man, his soul and his body; for the power of the keys committed to the church, that reacheth to the soul only, not to the body; and the power of the sword committed to the civil magistrate, that reacheth to the body only, not to the soul; but both together they have influence both upon the soul and body, or outward man. ...

For more, see William Beveridge on the power of the keys and the power of the sword.
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