William Beveridge: The Trinity is one in substance, three in subsistence

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
In brief therefore, here it is said, that in the unity of the Godhead there be three Persons; that is, though there be but one living and true God, yet there are three Persons, who are that one living and true God. Though the true God be but one in substance, yet he is three in subsistence; and so three in subsistence, as still to be but one in substance. And these three Persons, every one of which is God, and yet all three but one God, are really related to one another: as they are termed in the scripture, one is a Father, the other a Son, the other an Holy Ghost.

The first is Father to the second; the second is Son to the first; the third is neither Father nor Son, but the issue or Spirit of both. The first was a Father from eternity, as well as God; the second was God from eternity, as well as a Son; the third was both Holy Ghost and God from eternity, as well as either of them. The Father is the first person in the Deity; not begotten, nor proceeding, but begetting: the Son the second person; not begetting nor proceeding, but begotten: the Holy Ghost the third; not begotten, nor begetting, but proceeding. The first is called the Father, because he begot the second; the second is called the Son, because he is begotten of the Father; the third is called the Holy Ghost, because breathed both from the Father and the Son.

For the reference, see William Beveridge: The Trinity is one in substance, three in subsistence.
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