Wisdom from a Jesuit Priest on Brokeback Mountain

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Puritan Board Graduate
A homily by a Jesuit priest regarding Brokeback Mountain.
The consequence of not being free is sin. I suspect many in this community have already seen Brokeback Mountain. If not see it; if you have, see it again and reflect on the consequences of not being interiorly free, the consequences of not knowing who you really are and want to become, the tragic consequences and subsequent devastation that comes from only living in a "œpretend" world. Watch carefully the price of dishonesty in yourself and with those whom you try to love.

Let this Lent be a Brokeback Lent. Let yourself feel genuinely dreadful at just how little you accept God´s invitation to be yourself, to be honest, to live more freely, to love more passionately, to even be prepared to die for those whom you love. So hold on to both pockets of your jacket and don´t ever forget both messages. Because while you are not the fully human being God created you to become, yet for you, this entire, magical and sacred world was made. Welcome to the hard journey we call Lent.

Some protestants convert into the Roman Church thinking they will find the ancient wisdom of the Church Fathers.
I wish I could remember the title of a book I have (they're all in storage in VA). It was written at the end of the 19th Century by a Spanish Archbishop who had converted from Roman Catholicism to Protestantism. His book was devoted to showing how Protestantism devestates Roman Catholicism and used Scripture as well as a bunch of "insider knowledge" and deep insight into the teachings of the Roman Church (he had been a prominent scholar).

Anyhow, during one diatribe about the wickedness of the institution, he spoke of the "unspeakable acts" that occur in monasteries, and have for centuries. Let's just say that Homosexuality is nothing new in the priesthood of Rome.
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