World Bible School

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Judging by the incoming links they may be related to the Church of Christ:

Their statement "WBS is a nondenominational ministry" would support that, since the Church of Christ denomination claims that it isn't a denomination.

There was also an article mentioning them in "Truth Magazine" which also appears to be CoC related. (See tabs for Churches Seeking Preachers and Preachers Seeking Churches).
So if it's Church of Christ, should I sign up for it? I know they believe in baptismal regeneration, but then so do the Lutherans and Anglicans, and I'd have no problem using a Lutheran or Anglican Bible course. What do you think?
Baptismal Regeneration is not the only discrepancy involved. Many of the teachers in this movement deny original sin, the doctrines of Grace, and the imputation of Christ' righteousness. Respectfully, I do not believe that they are in any way proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The COC is not a Christian movement, but rather is a Pelagianistic/semi-Pelagianistic revival, to say the least. That being the case, I would not encourage anyone to sit under the instruction of those who propagate what the Scriptures categorically condemn.
So if it's Church of Christ, should I sign up for it? I know they believe in baptismal regeneration, but then so do the Lutherans and Anglicans, and I'd have no problem using a Lutheran or Anglican Bible course. What do you think?
What are you trying to accomplish in your personal studies that you could not at another venue devoid of the issues of this CoC site?

For example,

...and so on.
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