WTS: 50% off sale on 2 Puritan books

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Puritan Board Senior
Greetings PB brethren,

WTS Books has 2 excellent Puritan volumes on sale for 50% off.

1. The Marrow of Modern Divinity, by Edward Fisher, with notes by Thomas Boston: http://www.wtsbooks.com/marrow-of-m...845504793?mc_cid=e32f10e66f&mc_eid=caaf75f4bd This is a nice hardback volume which features introductory contributions by Philip Ryken and William Vandoodewaard.

2. The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification, by Walter Marshall: http://www.wtsbooks.com/gospel-myst...601782830?mc_cid=e32f10e66f&mc_eid=caaf75f4bd This paperback RHB edition includes a helpful introduction by Joel Beeke and readable print size (contra the tiny print of the Sovereign Grace edition).

I have thoroughly enjoyed my copies of these books and figured I'd share the love with y'all!

I just ordered something yesterday and had to click on this to see if I had (once again) ordered something right before it went on sale. :) I have not.
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