You have eyes of your own

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Hugh Binning, Works, p. 27:

Other men’s faith will not save; you cannot see to walk to heaven by other men’s light, more than you can see by their eyes. You have eyes of your own, souls of your own, subordinate to none but the God of spirits, and the Lord of consciences, Jesus Christ: and therefore examine all that is spoken to you from the word, according to the word; and receive no more upon trust from men, but as you find it upon trial to be the truth of God.
Thank you, once again. ;) As a former RC I can see clearly how true this "trial". I am amazed how gently Our Lord steered me to where I am today and trust the trials shall be indeed still ever present as it is said He shall give you grace to persevere through such. To have the "eyes" of past providence is such a comport.
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