Zech 6:13 - consilium pacis

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Puritan Board Freshman
Is the consilium pacis a reference to the pactum salutis or to interoffical harmony in the Mediator?

Somebody help please!
Originally posted by DanielC
Is the consilium pacis a reference to the pactum salutis or to interoffical harmony in the Mediator?

Somebody help please!

There has been some disagreement among the Reformed over the precise meaning of consilium pacis, as Richard A. Muller has noted. I don't know if you have this work of his, but he wrote...

consilium pacis: the counsel of peace; a term used by Reformed theology in the seventeenth century, particularly the Cocceians, for the mutual agreement made in eternity between the Father and the Son, usually termed the pactum salutis (q.v.). Since the term consilium pacis comes directly from Zech. 6:13, the Cocceians felt they had there found the ideal exegetical basis for their doctrine. Others, including some of the Reformed, felt that this counsel between the Lord and the "œBranch" referred, instead, to the earthly designation of the Messiah to his priestly and kingly offices and could not be used as an exegetical basis for the pactum salutis. Richard A. Muller, Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1985), p. 80.

Hope this isn't redundant,
Good question! I always assumed it was part of the CoR, but there is definately support for the other position.

The Geneva Study Bible:

The two offices of the kingdom and priesthood, will be joined together in such a way, that they will no longer be separated.

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