Books on Homosexuality

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Puritan Board Freshman
I've been meaning to pick up is 'God Anti-gay?' I also give my thumbs up for 'The Gospel and Sexual Orientation' from the RPCNA, that is a very good little book, and very pastoral in its intent and manner.

I would also recommend the late Dr. Bahnsen's book: 'Homosexuality: A Biblical View'. A lot of the references in 'Gospel and Sexual Orientation' come from this work by Bahnsen. It is an extended and comprehensive exegetical book covering everything from sexual orientation to practice and the societal impact of the promulgation of the sexual revolution during the last hundred years. His Theonomy does play a part in the final chapter 'Homosexual Acts as Criminal' but it is a worthy discussion and the implications and duties of our civil magistrates in maintaining God's created social order ought to be wisely considered. It wasn't that long ago that sodomy laws were present in England and America, though we have abandoned them in order to go after the gods of sex and self in these last days. I have profited very much from these two books.

I hope these suggestions are helpful for your study!
While not a book on homosexuality specifically, Rosario Butterfield's conversion memoir could not hurt any Christian's research into the subject. Its a wonderful testimony including the utter upheaval, even devastation that a conversion can have on a life. This case involved a highly visible and accomplished person.
James White with alpha and omega ministries said that the best book out there right now is "A queer thing happened to America" by dr. michael L. brown, and i have watched Brown debate someone on this subject and he was fantastic, not only did he win but his demeanor and candor was impeccable.
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