Commentary on the...

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Puritan Board Freshman
I am teaching a class at my church on the Westminster Confessions of Faith. I was wondering if anyone knows of any good resources on the confession, i.e. a commentary or a tape series or something like that?

Any help would be most helpful.

Dr. John H. Gerstner (Dr. Sproul's theological mentor) has a short tape series (it is outstanding-classic Gerstner). I think it is about 45.00 dollars. You may purchase it from Ligonier ministries. Highly recommended.
[quote:05b9022bb8][i:05b9022bb8]Originally posted by johnny_redeemed[/i:05b9022bb8]
i take it that all of your suggestions are books. do you guys know of any tapes?? [/quote:05b9022bb8]

Greg Bahnsen has a 42 tape series on the WCF - only catch is that it is $200. Bahnsen - WCF - CMF

For a cheaper but still excellent route, check out Mt. Olive Tape Library. They rent tapes for $.25 each up to 30 at a time. :eek: No, seriously! They have G.I. Williamson teaching through the confession (79 tapes) as well as John DeWitt (35 tapes). Both able teachers. You will recognize Williamson's name as the author of the commentary on the catechism.

Mt. Olive Tape Library Website

You can download their catalog in pdf file format. They have thousands of tapes! I usually order 30 at a time, listen to them during my commute, as I do dishes, etc. send them back and order another 30. They are now putting a ton of stuff on Watch their for future postings.
G.I. Williamson
A.A. Hodge
Robert Shaw
John Gerstner

Of these four mentioned in previous posts, which would you most recommend and why? Are there any differences in content, or are the differences merely in writing style and other unimportant things?

I received a newsletter from Ligonier some months back that mentioned that Sproul is working on a commentary for the WCF.
I have read Shaw, Hodge, and have listened to the 10 hours of Gerstner. The books of course go into more deatil. But Gerstner is Gerstner. He's simply the best (in my opinion). His tecahing style, enthusiasm, complete knowledge of the subject mattetr is classic. Plus, not only is he my primary theological mentor, but I personally love listening. This way you can catch the inflection and emphases of ceertain points. My two cents.
"In Christ",
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