Death of a hero

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Puritan Board Senior
Today Dr. C. Everett Koop died at the age of 96. I had the greatest admiration for him and his fight against AIDS and cigarette smoking. I read the book Sometimes Mountains Move about the death of his son, a mountain climber. He collaborated with Francis Schaeffer in writing What Happened to the Human Race and shows the progression downward of our culture seen so clearly today! He was a Christian and prayed at the bedside of little children who were his patients in the Children's hospital.
Most of what I read of him I liked, though he seemed to separate his "religious views" from much of his work. My father said 30 years ago...."it is impossible to be a elected public official and keep your morals". Though Dr. Koop was not elected he may have had to compromise to get to where he got. I do not know for sure but I suspect what my father said was true. For instance could ANY of us here not speak loudly against abortion if we had the platform Dr. Koop had?

Now I wrote the above before I found this...
Sad to hear. Meet and talked with Koop and Schaeffer many years ago on one of their lecture tours. I have to admit that at the time of meeting I had no real idea who either was.
He will be remembered as a steadfast champion for pro-life, as part of his Christian testimony, and enduring opposition for it.

A biblical, reformed Presbyterian.

And a faithful public servant appointed by President Reagan.

God indeed gave him a long life,
and an enduring testimony.
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