Divine Right of Presbytery - Presbyterians Please

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Presbytery is the biblical form of church government, established by Christ and set up by the apostles. Therefore, we do not need the permission of any other authority to institute it or re-institute it, as it is of "divine right".

[Edited on 8-9-2005 by Contra_Mundum]
Subjection to others' fine tuning, but here goes:
[*]The New Testament sets forth the example that in the time of the apostles, the presbytery was the ordinary court of jurisdiction, which consisted of pastors and ruling elders from multiple congregations, which as a biblical pattern by example gives the divine right for classical presbyteries.
[*]That such presbyteries themselves may subject themselves to a synod made up of delegates from multiple presbyteries in need of resolving a common dispute or matter, is proved by example as well from Acts 15, which provides the divine right for higher courts than that of the presbytery.
[*]Thus Presbyterianism is the biblical form of church govenment.:)
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