Is There Such Thing as A Non-Dispensational Baptist

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Puritan Board Sophomore
I'am new too the Reformed tradition, I really think the Covenant Theology is more Biblical teaching. I also find myself rejecting Pre-millennial Dispositionalism, and taking more of a post-millennial view. I was wondering if uncommon for a Baptist to hold to Covenant Theology, especially in baptist conventions (like SBC) that are predominately dispositional.
Do you mean "Dispensational"?

Since dispensationalism is a theological novelty and did not appear historically until around 1830, and since the rise of the Baptist movement pre-dates that by a couple of centuries, then I'd say yes, there is such a thing as a non-dispensational Baptist.

In fact, you will plenty on the PB. The Reformed Baptists on this site hold to a form of covenant theology that is different from that of Presbyterians (in how the covenant of grace is viewed) but is decidedly non-dispensational in character.
Yes Dispensational. I have auto correct on my computer that seemed to have changed my above post to say Dispositional, My apology's.

Thats good to know, i could not find much online about non Dispensational Baptist's.
Not only are there non-dispensational Baptists, there are also dispensational Presbyterians! What a world we live in, huh?
All, the auto-correct feature. That makes perfect sense. It used to be that it was only Windows that thought it was smarter than I; now Apple does the same I've noticed.

Talk to some of the RBs here on the PB. I think you will benefit greatly from speaking with non-dispensational Baptists.
Is there any books or resources any of you would recommend for a Reformed Baptist or just Reformed learning more about Covenant Theology?
There are also many covenantal premils, both paedo and credo. Premillennialism does not necessitate dispensationalism.

I'd recommend reading Spurgeon. He preached Christ from a covenantal perspective, yet always preached Christ.
RE: Protestant pope -- Benedict XVI is planning on rehabilitating Martin Luther. (Gotta love THAT!)
Not only are there non-dispensational Baptists, there are also dispensational Presbyterians! What a world we live in, huh?

If there are "Presbyterians" who are dispensational, they are not in a doctrinal or historic sense.

The Westminster Standards define biblical, reformed, presbyterian theology.

The Westminster Standards are covenant theology, of which dispensational theology is an antithesis.
Is there any books or resources any of you would recommend for a Reformed Baptist or just Reformed learning more about Covenant Theology?

For a reformed baptist looking into covenant theology, the stuff from Reformed Baptist Academic Press is good, like "Covenant Theology from Adam to Christ" by Nehemiah Coxe and or "Covenant Children Today" by Alan Conner
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