Ludwig Lavater on the power of wizards and witches

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... Now to our purpose, these Sorcerers having covenanted with the Devil, he useth their malice to his purpose: he deviseth for them, and prescribeth to them Medicines, Drugs, Poisons, Exorcisms, wherewith they may hurt men, children and beasts, infect pastures, deceive the senses, juggle cunningly, work incredibly, but not without his assistance. Who though they be thus conjured together, yet holding Saint Paul’s ground (If God be with us, who can be against us?) what need we fear? For this is sure, that though they have both ability, and will, yet have they no authority more then limited, especially against the faithful, which are ever under the shadow of the Almighty. But for the raising of storms, the congealing of hail, the whirling of winds, we utterly deny them any power that way, because holy writ attributeth the raising and ruling of these tempests to God alone. ...

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