Northern Calif. Native, Resident, Scott Gillis of Creation Ministries Intl. to Speak in San Diego at Puritan Reformed Presbyterian Church May 19

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Grant Van Leuven

Puritan Board Freshman

NEWS RELEASE/Interview Opportunity
For Immediate Release

Media Contact
: Pastor Grant Van Leuven
Phone: 619-479-5053
Email: [email protected]

Northern Calif. Native, Resident, Scott Gillis of Creation Ministries Intl.
to Speak in San Diego at Puritan Reformed Presbyterian Church May 19

San Diego (Paradise Hills), Calif. – May 9, 2024 – Mr. Scott Gillis of Creation Ministries International (CMI), a native and resident of Northern Calif., will speak at the Puritan Reformed Presbyterian Church (PRPC) at 6374 Potomac St. in San Diego, Calif., on Sunday, May 19, at 5:30 p.m. His topic will be, “Creation: Impacting our Culture.” The presentation includes a Q&A session.

According to CMI, Gillis will demonstrate how the Gospel message is rooted in the book of Genesis and provide evidence to support the reliability of the Bible’s record of origins.

Attendance is free and all are welcome. Food and fellowship will follow. CMI creation resources will be available. PRPC and its denomination ( hold to a young-earth, literal 24/7 day view of the Bible’s creation account in chapter one of Genesis.

1715295067147.png About Scott Gillis: One of CMI’s most popular speakers, Mr. Gillis’ own faith grew as a result of a scientist friend showing him how Genesis and the evidential facts made the most sense when interpreted through the Bible. The author of numerous articles, he holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Oregon State University and served in various capacities over 25 years as a youth pastor, council member, teacher, and speaker before serving as COO for Creation Ministries International (US) from 2010 to 2020. He is a native of Northern California where he resides with his wife, Lisa.

About CMI: The organization is a group of autonomous non-profit ministries in several countries formally unified as a federation under the banner ‘CMI-Worldwide.’ The role of CMI is to support churches in proclaiming the veracity of the Bible and its Gospel message by providing researched answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation and evolution where the Bible is most under criticism today — the opening book of Genesis. CMI is apolitical and non-denominational. Visit

About PRPC: The church subscribes without exception to the original 1646 Westminster Standards ratified by the Church of Scotland, namely its confession of faith and larger and shorter catechisms. The church’s motto, based on Jeremiah 6:16, Philippians 3:16, and Matthew 7:14, is, “Walking the Same Old Good Paths and Right Rule Along the Narrow Way,” pointing to its concern to learn from and follow the lead of the Puritans to always be reforming back to where every true scriptural and spiritual reformation and revival begins in church and state. In short, PRPC is Puritan in spiritual heritage and earnest, Reformed in theology and doctrine, Presbyterian in government and practice, and a confessional Church in profession and witness. Visit

J.C. Ryle wrote, “The longer I live the more I am convinced that the world needs no new Gospel, as some profess to think. I am thoroughly persuaded that the world needs nothing but bold, full, unflinching teaching of the ‘old paths’.”

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