Spiritual exercises

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Puritan Board Senior
Recently I have taken up what I call my spiritual exercises. I begin by reading Psalm 19:7-14 and pray based upon it. I then go through the Westminster Larger Catechism question and answers 99-149. After each one I review the past week and write down how I have broken that commandment. At the end I pray through each one beseeching God's forgiveness and the grace to resist temptations etc. I conclude with Psalm 130. Then, because this is a Saturday evening exercise, I wake up for 8am when the Lord's Supper is celebrated at church.

Many blessings have been received and I commend this type of practice to you. :pray2:
Recently I have taken up what I call my spiritual exercises. I begin by reading Psalm 19:7-14 and pray based upon it. I then go through the Westminster Larger Catechism question and answers 99-149. After each one I review the past week and write down how I have broken that commandment. At the end I pray through each one beseeching God's forgiveness and the grace to resist temptations etc. I conclude with Psalm 130. Then, because this is a Saturday evening exercise, I wake up for 8am when the Lord's Supper is celebrated at church.

Many blessings have been received and I commend this type of practice to you. :pray2:

Well - Loyola himself may be on your side...
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