Upcoming Interview on Thomas Manton

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Very soon I will be conducting an email interview with Dr. Derek Cooper on Thomas Manton. This will be published here around the 1st of the year. Dr. Cooper has written the only PhD thesis on Manton and he also has a forthcoming biography of Manton with P&R due out in the new year.

If you have any specific questions concerning Manton that you’d like answered, please respond with a comment and I'll include it.
I know Thomas Manton and John Owen were contemporaries who, from what I understand, walked in the same highly public ministry spot light. I'd be interested to know more about their relationship. (If I'm right in my recollection about them.)

What were Manton's daily disciplines? What can we learn from his daily spiritual disciplines?

Looking forward to hearing what comes from this interview!
Thanks very much for this, Danny. I have a few questions I would love to see answered. Firstly, apart from shorter bios, like in Brooks, why hasn't a fuller bio been published in the past? Manton is one of the better known Puritans, and one of the most admired, especially in his sermon writing, which is one of the few examples of truly exegetical preaching in the Puritan corpus (I don't mean to knock the Puritans here by any means: my point is that Manton sticks to the point of the text, rather than examining every single possible implication in every single possible direction of application!). Secondly, what were Manton's antecedents, models, mentors, etc.? Thirdly, is there any listing of Manton's library? Fourthly, has the recent reprinting of Manton's works escaped the problems inherent in 19th century "over-editing" of Puritan works?
This is not really a question, but more of a comment. Earlier this year I went on a business trip to the UK. And on my free time I visited many churches and historical sites. One of the churches I visited was Thomas Manton's church. I was greeted by this very old, weathered man who works there to clean the yard, etc. He was happy to show me around, and tell me about all the famous people who had visited in the past. He knew nothing about Thomas Manton. He said if I waited, he could intoduce me to the priest, who was "very knowledgable", and would surely know of this "Thomas Man-something". So, I waited for the priest to come out of his study and was introduced by the nice elderly gentleman. The old man told the priest that I was a visitor from the States who was inquiring about a fellow named "Thomas Mantel". He replied, "I don't know a Thomas Mantel", and started to walk away. I said, "No. It's Thomas Manton, one of the greatest preaches to ever live. This was his church." To which he replied, "I don't know him either." And then walked away. I left there somewhat disappointed. How could Thomas Manton NOT be known in his own church??? Very sad.
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