What do you keep in your 'other' library?

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Books on Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism. Hinduism, Judaism and Philosophy... I teach Religiious education :)
Wow, a couple of y'all must have huge bathrooms!! :lol:

I also keep some Young Earth creation mags, and seed catalogs.

TMI? I don't know. You have no idea how many times somebody will find something interesting, and come out and start a discussion about what they read, usually with magazine in hand!

I did not know you were referring to the bathroom! :oops: I presumed you meant "other than theology" library.

I keep NO reading materials in the loo lest I end up with major back up issues that *I* get to repair. And like Tina, rarely do I get to go to the bathroom ALONE. There are times where I make an announcement, plan a bath with candles and a book...just me, alone, no one enters unless they are desperate or have a death wish.

:rofl: I can totally relate. One time I just had to laugh out loud when every child, (when they were little) my husband, the dog, and the cat followed me into the bathroom. :lol: I love the popularity don't get me wrong, but "hello" I need SOME privacy!

We keep our Tabletalks and Modern Reformations in there also some Consumer Reports. We keep the WCF in there too. We both have so many things we are reading already that we put it in there and we each had our own marker of where we were. :lol: It almost became a competition if his marker had passed mine or vice versa.
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