Lecrae - Send Me

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Ordinary Guy (TM)
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I have my roots as a white Ozark Hillbilly. I never liked rap music.

But, I just heard my first Lecrae song and his words are better than many hymns sung in church. WOW!

I think I might be a fan!

Can anyone tell me more about this artist?

He seems connected with an urban ministry and he also seems very missions-minded.

I would love to contact him and try to channel black, calvinistic Christians overseas for missions. Sadly, blacks make up about 13-17% of the US population there is a DIRE SHORTAGE of black foreign missionaries.

Maybe voices like Lecraes will change that.

P.s. there might be a picture of Christ in the video. If this offends you, please don't click.

You know the board standards. Don't Post it.
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I used to be quite skeptical when I heard about christian rap but Lecrae has changed that for me. I watched a video interview of him on The Resurgence website and I became an instant fan. I'm sure the interview can still be found if you search for it.
I would appreciate rap music more if they would simply slow it down. Then again, it wouldn't be rap anymore would it. :p

Hey Pergs how are you still awake? Isn't it 3am there now?
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I have my roots as a white Ozark Hillbilly. I never liked rap music.

But, I just heard my first Lecrae song and his words are better than many hymns sung in church. WOW!

I think I might be a fan!

Can anyone tell me more about this artist?

He seems connected with an urban ministry and he also seems very missions-minded.

I would love to contact him and try to channel black, calvinistic Christians overseas for missions. Sadly, blacks make up about 13-17% of the US population there is a DIRE SHORTAGE of black foreign missionaries.

Maybe voices like Lecraes will change that.

P.s. there might be a picture of Christ in the video. If this offends you, please don't click.

Hey Pergy,

Lecrae is on Facebook. Look up Lecrae Moore. He's good peoples and serious about the faith.

He's hooked up with Reach Life Ministries - Reach Life™

Be sure to check out the 13 Letter Curriculum they've developed (an overview of Paul's epistles with a rap that introduces each one).

If you like Lecrae, you'll like shai linne.

Check out the Atonement Q&A:

-----Added 8/10/2009 at 05:10:25 EST-----

I would appreciate rap music more if they would simply slow it down. Then again, it wouldn't be rap anymore would it. :p

Yes it would :) There's a diversity of tempos and styles in the genre.

Thankfully, if you look up various folk on the net (anything by shai linne) a lot of them now have 'words' that users have put up.

If you attend an event, folk have a habit of putting the words up on the screen for those in the crowd who are 'follow-along-impaired' :)
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I've found his cd's at my Walmart (though I do live in an area where rap is very popular). I'm not usually into rap because of the lyrics, but I love Lacrae. We discovered him on youtube:


(Praying for you for Ewen - slower!)

He's also my girls' favorites to rock out to (along with Toby Mac). It can be hard to find edifying music with a backbeat and good bass.
What I think is so great, is that these rappers that are coming out, like Lecrae and Shai Linne, are reformed! There not the "ask Jesus into your heart" crowd (which seems to have taken over the Contemporary scene), they are deep, and theologically correct.
I am a big fan of Lecrae. You can look up 116 Clique. It is a group of reformed rappers that has some really solid stuff.
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I have my roots as a white Ozark Hillbilly. I never liked rap music.

But, I just heard my first Lecrae song and his words are better than many hymns sung in church. WOW!

I think I might be a fan!

Can anyone tell me more about this artist?

He seems connected with an urban ministry and he also seems very missions-minded.

I would love to contact him and try to channel black, calvinistic Christians overseas for missions. Sadly, blacks make up about 13-17% of the US population there is a DIRE SHORTAGE of black foreign missionaries.

Maybe voices like Lecraes will change that.

P.s. there might be a picture of Christ in the video. If this offends you, please don't click.

Maybe I'm too old - or something. I didn't like it (although the theme and the video were good).
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Isn't this also a good example of missiological principles and valid contextualization of the Gospel, i.e., getting the Gospel out into cultural forms that can (a) be understood, that (b) can move people, and that can (c) get to the heart of a target people.

As our culture in the US changes, it seems that more solid music in rap forms, hip hop, and maybe in hispanic forms will be needed to evangelize (or re-evangelize) the West. These musical forms can best act as a "Heart Language" of a target people.

But of course, if we admit that we are trying to be culturally relevant, most are likely to reject good solid music such as this without even giving it a chance.

For instance, the "New Calvinists" use newer and more "hip" music and there is currently a great backlash and reaction against them, like that silly Peter Master's article, condemning (not the words) but the musical forms itself.
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Yeah I do Christian rap ministry as well so I'm familar with the artist so if u guys like Lecrae you'll love Shai Linne, Stephan the levite, Hazakim, Trip lee, Flame, the list goes on and on..there's alot of theological heavy dudes out there..we like to call it Lyrical theology..alot of the dudes can be found on these sites. www.reachrecords.com, www.crossmovementrecords.com, www.lampmode.com. Reach records is actually partnered with Desiring God ministries. (They did Lecrae's Don't waste your life video) They also are doing the don't waste your life tour..But me and my brothers/sisters Love Lecrae ..He's very, very missional..I can go on all day on this so let me quiet myself lol.

Oh yeah..there all reformed too!
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Hmmm....lyrical theology. I like the ring of that.

haha yeah Shai Linne the guy I was talking about actually introduced the saying on his album "The solus Christus projec". U can find most of the artist on Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace as well. Lecrae actually went to Asia with his wife, and they were having service in one of there brothers house..when the soldiers kicked in the door..thankfully they didn't take anyone away..He was telling us about it, about a month ago when he came to our church.
Hmmm....lyrical theology. I like the ring of that.

haha yeah Shai Linne the guy I was talking about actually introduced the saying on his album "The solus Christus projec". U can find most of the artist on Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace as well. Lecrae actually went to Asia with his wife, and they were having service in one of there brothers house..when the soldiers kicked in the door..thankfully they didn't take anyone away..He was telling us about it, about a month ago when he came to our church.

A. Hudson:

Do you know other black calvinist brothers who are interested in going to Asia? I know some needy places. I do not know many black foreign missionaries and I think our theology and zeal merged together is readying a large crop of workers to go forth and I would love to be part of helping that happen.

Help get me connected to others who are crying out "Send me, I'll go!"
From Masters,

When you look at their ‘favourite films’, and ‘favourite music’ you find them unashamedly naming the leading groups, tracks and entertainment of debased culture, and it is clear that the world is still in their hearts.
Aside from pastors, we know some ‘new’ young Calvinists who will never settle in a dedicated, working church, because their views live only in their heads and not their hearts. We know of some whose lives are not clean. We know of others who go clubbing. The greater their doctrinal prowess, the greater their hypocrisy.

I agree with this. But the rest of the article Masters seem to be drawing too many broad strokes and putting everyone under the same label.

Masters is right that we need to separate ourselves from the world, more so than we realize.

Guys like Lecrae are doing a wonderful job. Anyway I'm too tired now to comment much.
The article reminded me a lot of what I hear from the fundys. I am still unconvinced that a particular music style can be judged inappropriate to communicate the gospel. And as far as being "sensation-stirring" I have seen quite a few choirs armed with a piano stir up the emotions of the congregation plenty of times.
Because of this?
1. They have no problem with contemporary charismatic-ethos worship, including extreme, heavy-metal forms.

I don't know, I see him (MAsters) lamenting the lack of RPW in so called calvinistic circles.

You know, this reminds me of Todd Friel's response to a caller asking if it is permissible for Christians to listen to secular music and Friel's response was, Do you use Christian toothbrushes? Do you only eat Christian food? Cracked me up that time. Anyway not going to discuss this.

I thoroughly enjoyed Don't waste your life as well as Praying for you. Wait a minute, is Don't waste your life by the same artist? Haha!
Well I certainly see no need to have heavy metal or rap blaring in a worship service on Sunday morning. But at the same time, I still like to listen to various genres of music and it's refreshing to hear a musical style that I enjoy laced with good biblical lyrics. I guess the question is, where is the appropriate setting to bump some Lecrae? A conference? only in our homes or cars? I don't know? :confused:
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