
  1. Shadow Forge

    Lambeth Articles 1595

    Just food for the brain.. The Lambeth Articles (1595) 1. God from eternity has predestined some men to life, and reprobated some to death. 2. The moving or efficient cause of predestination to life is not the foreseeing of faith, or of perseverance, or of good works, or of anything innate in...
  2. R.G. Sassard


    Hey Guys. I just started getting deep into reformed theology a few years back (or really just theology in general) and I am reformed baptist as of now. Of course, I have learned much from reformed Presbyterian theologians and others such as Anglican as well. I love the things they have to say...
  3. Y

    Further apostasy on the part of Church of England, and the backlash

    Earlier this month in York their was a Church of England Synod where, the ever equivocating Archbishops of Canterbury and York, oversaw a resolution urging the government to ban gay conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is an approach that seeks to help people who are suffering from same sex...