rabbinical judaism

  1. S

    The Incarnation in the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy)

    I am trying to think this through: In the first five books of the scriptures, which places give the clearest indications that the one who is to come will be God, the God-man? I will name the first one I thought of. Both clear-cut quotations and longer explanations about what some passage or...
  2. S

    The Sabbath and Jewish Evangelism

    Around 2:38, the orthodox questioner asks why Messianic Jews do not keep the Sabbath. He does not get an answer. Because there is not a good answer - he found one of the inconsistancies of Israeli MJ's. I am sure a Confessional Presbyterian would give an answer that, while not a proof for...
  3. S

    Historical apologetic and polemic works against Rabbinicism (Judaism)

    Hello, What historical apologetics and polemical works are there against Rabbinicsm (i.e Judaism, falsely so called)? Did any of the Patristics, Reformers, Puritans, Covenanters, Dutch divines or other orthodox theologians have enough interactions with this religion to write against it? I am...