A.A. Hodge on the Crown Rights of King Jesus

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Well, that proves it! A.A. Hodge was outside of Reformed Orthodoxy, along with Calvin, Bucer, Knox, Beza, Voetius, Junius, Rutherford, Gillespie, Matthew Henry, Turretin, and a host of other authors, pastors and theologians.
Who is responsible for the prevalent corruptions in trade which loosen the bands of faith and transform the halls of the honest trader into the gambler’s den? Who is responsible for the new doctrines of secular education which hand over the very baptized children of the Church to a monstrous propagandism of Naturalism and Atheism? Who is responsible for the new doctrine that the State is not a creature of God and owes him no allegiance, thus making the mediatorial Headship of Christ an unsubstantial shadow and his kingdom an unreal dream?

Good question.
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