A Good Book Comparing Lutheran Theology to Reformed Theology

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You may already have some resources to get some answers, such as various systematic theologies, like Turretin and Bavinck . . at least that's a place to start before you fork over some :moneywings: for a new book. :)
Turretin is an excellent suggestion. The index of subjects under "Lutherans" narrows references down to precise topics. Also, David Dickson's Truth's Victory over Error gives contrasts to the Westminster Confession.
You'll want to distinguish between Luther and confessional Lutheranism. There is some distance between the doctrine of Bondage of the Will (1525) and the Book of Concord (1580).

I don't know of any modern book that systematically contrasts the Reformed and Lutheran confessional positions, but you could look at Berkhof's ST, which is generally fair to the Lutherans -- in stark contrast to the way the Lutherans treat the Reformed.

There is a Reformation Chart in two parts here:

Part 1

Part 2

The chart contrasts Roman, Lutheran, and Reformed views on a series of topics.

You should spend the time to look at the Lutheran "Hodge" (Pieper). The Lutheran "Berkhof" (a one volume synopsis) is hardly worth the name, so I can't recommend it. There is a modern confessional Lutheran series of volumes that is coming out slowly but it's not complete.

I often find that Reformed folk haven't read Luther and they certainly haven't read Lutheran confessions or confessional Lutheran theology and few Lutherans have taken the time to read Calvin etc.
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