Admins and Mods

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Puritan Board Professor
On this link that we have, there is a list of Admins and Moderators. Could we add a link in their name to their profile so that we can easily and quickly contact them through PM w/o using various pages to find where one of their profile's it at to PM them?
On this link that we have, there is a list of Admins and Moderators. Could we add a link in their name to their profile so that we can easily and quickly contact them through PM w/o using various pages to find where one of their profile's it at to PM them?

I second the motion. All in favor say "Aye"::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing::sing:
On this link that we have, there is a list of Admins and Moderators. Could we add a link in their name to their profile so that we can easily and quickly contact them through PM w/o using various pages to find where one of their profile's it at to PM them?

I think that's a good idea. Done.
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