Ancient chapter divisions in Scripture


Puritan Board Freshman
Good morning all,

I have started reading Heidegger's Handbook of the New Testament as translated by Dr. Dilday, and ran across an interesting piece of history. He mentions that the current division of chapters and verses is one standardized by Stephanus, but that the early church had several different divisions depending on where you looked. He also seems to think that the ancient divisions were better quality, since they were designed around the subject-matter of the text and didn't divine things that should be read together like the current chapter/verse divisions.

Unfortunately, the ancient sources aren't cited (some authors are mentioned, but not works). Does anyone know of some of these sources, and where I could find them, or a translation of them? The main one I'm looking for would be the one which divides Matthew into 68 chapters, since that seems to be the principal one he mentions. But I'm definitely curious about any of them.