Any advice? I want to start a book store!

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It's interesting, all these recommendations for coffee shops.

The argument is, you can get books online/via Kindle now, etc. Yet we can make coffee at home, too!

Still, we go out for coffee and get our books delivered to our house. Just the way it is right now.
I used to work at a christian bookstore. Philly suburbs.

50% of the profits came form the sale of music CDs. 15% from bibles. The other 35% was cards, gimmicky items, VBS materials, communion supplies, and books. Most of the books were trash to be honest.

I would go into this real slow and with a lot of counsel first.
It's interesting, all these recommendations for coffee shops.

The argument is, you can get books online/via Kindle now, etc. Yet we can make coffee at home, too!

Still, we go out for coffee and get our books delivered to our house. Just the way it is right now.
Yeah... but can you get coffee house coffee at home???

Well I guess. But it is the atmosphere that I enjoy. If your business is reading, then you need to find a place to do it well. A coffee shop is for me.

But your point of irony is well taken.
Any time someone opens a bookstore anywhere in the United States, someone at Amazon picks up a phone and says, "Release the hounds!"
This seems like a great idea for a ministry, bad idea for supporting yourself.

Edward's post is spot on. Ask why there are currently no book stores. Is it because there is no market for one? Have there been bookstores in the past that have closed? A combination coffee shop, study group, reading group thing might work. But I think people read less these day and those who do read don't tend to go to a place like a bookstore to do so. There has to be a really good reason for them to leave their home.

Brick and mortar stores are a dying industry, in my opinion. They just aren't as convenient.

By the way, I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. I loved going to the library as a kid. These days, I'm love that through my library I can instantly check out a book for my Kindle, without having to leave my house and I get it right away, and there are never any late fees (automatic return after 2 weeks). Do I have fond memories of the "good old days"? Sure. Do I wish what we had now didn't exist? No.

Similar with bookstores. I used to consider myself an amateur collector and loved browsing antiquarian bookstores. I still do. But I haven't bought a book from one in years. The books I do buy I usually buy on Ebay or ABE for much better bargains. Do I still love them? Absolutely. Do I love them enough to wish I didn't have any other option? No.

There will always be things we love and remember fondly that eventually get pushed into irrelevance. I loved my old LP record player. But I'd never listen to it now, I prefer the convenience of something that has thousands of times more capacity, better sound quality, and fits in my pocket. Same with my Kindle. I read 20 books on my last work trip. I am so glad I didn't have to lug those books through the airport!
Have you considered starting smaller than a store? Possibly a distributor out of your home, or something like that. I would think that a "niche" bookstore would be hard to make any money on a consistent basis. However, I would be so happy if there was one close to me, and be happy to support. I love the feel and smell of a real book.
After much prayer with God, discussion with my wife, other bookstore owners, and you all, I have resolved not to do this.

Thank you guys for your input!
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