Any Military/Former Military Members Here?

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No just one of my grandfathers if I remember right was in the US Navy and my other grandfather was a merchant marine for NOrway in WW2.
Originally posted by puritansailor
Aye Aye!
I thought you were just a recreational sailor for some reason.

Bruce Buchanan was in the Navy too.

[Edited on 2-3-2006 by SemperFideles]
Originally posted by Gregg
USMC aviation (F4's)1980-86

[Edited on 2-3-2006 by Gregg]

I worked on F-4 J's, F-4 S's and F-14's

Where you at Cherry Point by any chance?

I was at Oceana, the USS Forrestal, and USS Saratoga.

[Edited on 2-3-2006 by puritancovenanter]
I'm instrument-rated to fly F-4 J's, F-4 S's and F-14's.

....on Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator...
"Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger, where have ya been?
Around the world, and back again.

Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger, how did you go?
In a C-130, a flyin' low.

Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger, what did ya do?
I killed those (insert name of current national enemy, or a derogative form thereof) for me and you..."

C company, 3/75th Ranger Rgt. '93-'95.
Hubby was AF, his grandfather was Navy.

I was a military BRAT, mother/father/stepfather were all AF during Vietnam and one continued after. My grandfathers were Army Airforce during WWII and Navy during Korea...the third grandfather I'm not certain of. I also have a brother that did time in Kuwait with the Air National Guard...last I heard of him, he was heading for Officer's School.

[Edited on 2-3-2006 by LadyFlynt]
Originally posted by SemperFideles
Originally posted by puritansailor
Aye Aye!
I thought you were just a recreational sailor for some reason.

Bruce Buchanan was in the Navy too.

[Edited on 2-3-2006 by SemperFideles]
I was enlisted 2 years, 4 years ROTC, and 4 years as an officer. Just got out about a year ago from active duty so I could start seminary. Still got my IR time though...
Lt USNR aboard USS Leary DD-879 1970-1972

My father-in-law was the gunnery officer on the USS Chatelain DE-149 in WW2
My goodness! All these Navy guys!

My mother's side has a great sea-faring tradtion. My great-great grandfather became very wealthy selling ships in Maine. I heard his business when bust when the ship design drastically changed in the 1800's. My great-grandfather was a Navy Captain. My grandfather enlisted in WWI and then spent his entire life on ships. They brought him back into the Navy with the rank of Commander during WWII where he converted civilian yachts for military use. After the war, he spent the rest of his life as an engineer on yachts for wealthy families in New England.

When I told my grandmother I decided to switch options in college and become a Marine she said "That's wonderful, I love the uniform." My grandfather was a bit upset saying "...they always die first."
Originally posted by SemperFideles
My goodness! All these Navy guys!

My mother's side has a great sea-faring tradtion. My great-great grandfather became very wealthy selling ships in Maine. I heard his business when bust when the ship design drastically changed in the 1800's. My great-grandfather was a Navy Captain. My grandfather enlisted in WWI and then spent his entire life on ships. They brought him back into the Navy with the rank of Commander during WWII where he converted civilian yachts for military use. After the war, he spent the rest of his life as an engineer on yachts for wealthy families in New England.

When I told my grandmother I decided to switch options in college and become a Marine she said "That's wonderful, I love the uniform." My grandfather was a bit upset saying "...they always die first."

And don't forget that the Marines get their paychecks from the Navy. I wonder why. Could it be that they are in the NAVY?
The Army is the oldest. That should count for something on this Board!:bigsmile:

As for my beard... don't ask, because if I answer truthfully I'll have to kill you. ;)

[Edited on 2-3-2006 by SolaScriptura]
"Back in 1775, that's when my Marine Corps came alive..."

Sgt. K.C. Easterday, USMC

Army is the oldest? Perhaps in its current form by a couple of months. We Jarheads have a line going back further to the Regiment of Foot. Does this sound like a Presbyterian argument?

Randy, if you look closely at the Marine's paycheck, it is issued from the DoD. But we are a part of the Department of the Navy....THE BEST PART!

"Some men look back on their lives and wonder if they've accomplished anything. Marines never have that problem." President Ronald Reagan (roughly quoted).

"Gone to Florida to fight the Indians. Will be back when the war is over." Col. Archibald Henderson - 5th Commandant of the Marines. "Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps." He served 53 years and was Commandant 39 of them.

Semper Fi!


[Edited on 2-3-2006 by kceaster]
Originally posted by SolaScriptura

As for my beard... don't ask, because if I answer truthfully I'll have to kill you. ;)

Yeah, Are you friends with C. Evertt Koop. He didn't shave his beard either. In 1985 everyone was suppose to. That was one of the reasons I got out. I didn't want to shave my beard. Seriously.


[Edited on 2-3-2006 by puritancovenanter]
Yeah, Are you friends with C. Evertt Koop. He didn't shave his beard either. In 1985 everyone was suppose to.

Why would Dr. Koop have needed to shave his beard? He is not a military veteran. The ceremonial uniform that he is posing in is for the U.S. Public Health Service.

I'm the only non-Marine in my family. Going all the way back to the 18th century. There is only one other non-Marine in my direct lineage. My Great Great Grandfather.

Hence, "OoohRah! Semper Fi!" Is our family cheer at all gatherings.
"The ceremonial uniform that he is posing in is for the U.S. Public Health Service."

The PHS Commissioned Corps is made up entirely of commissioned officers, although they are not classified as military. The uniform is not just ceremonial. Of course since he was not Navy, he did not need to shave his beard.
Originally posted by SolaScriptura

Ben, were you merely being enthusiastic about affirming your past service, or were you unable to restrain your repressed pride upon hearing an old cadence :) ? I believe that you pointed out on a previous thread that you served with 2nd Batt., right?

Now it would be really sweet if I could find any emoticons that were fast-roping into a room clearing situation from MH-6 'little birds'.


"Ranger Smiley, blow the lock!"


(sound of door being kicked open after shotgun blast, precision double taps from friendly M4's, smoke clears...)

"Ranger Smiley, team status?"

"Area secure, zero casualties, six rounds expended"


"four :tombstone:"

"excellent, proceed to objective hollow point."

"roger that."


Well, I made due with the emoticons we have here. "Improvise and survive" is a great motto to master.
Those in the military

I would like to know how many on the PB are active and former members of the military. The internet has made the world small and it is not unusual to keep in touch with our military brethren while they are stationed on foreign soild. We should esteem their service while praying for them and their families. It is good to know those who stood at the front line of our nations defense regardless of whether they are active, retired or separated.

Please let us know your branch of service, time in service, rank, military speciality, where you are stationed and how we can specifically pray for you (including your unit and family).

Since this is the OP I guess I'll start....

USAF 1979-83
Morse Systems Operator, Airborne Morse Systems Operator (commonly known as a "ditty bop")
Rank: E-4 Sgt.
Duty assignments: RAF Chicksands, England and Offutt AFB, NE


[Edited on 5-10-2006 by BaptistInCrisis]
USAF 89-93 flight data specialist Edwards AFB
worked on shuttle recovery team, and saw the first flights of the B-2,C17, F22, and F23. Met chuck yeager and saw margaret thatcher, jimmy stewart, and ronald reagan.
TIS: 1987-1999
Andrews AFB, D.C., Wright-Pat, OH, Peterson, CO, Minot, ND
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