Any sites for Richard Hooker?

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Puritan Board Doctor
Actually I know some sites I am really trying to see if I can find some with a collection of sermons in PDF. For those of you out there who do not know Hooker he was an Anglican Divine with what might be called strong "Puritan" sensibilities, should check him out.
I am giving this a bump hoping Andrew comes along with a link or two! He can find anything! Andrew.....where are ya!:)
Max -- I would call Richard Hooker an opponent of Puritanism. That said, you can find more about his life and works here, here, and here.
I would say opponent in terms of his view of Church structure, in terms of his devotional thinking....he was almost "oddly" , well.....Puritanical...I guess I should define terms better.......he was no Angl-Catholic.:) Better? Thanks for the links! Andrew rocks!:up:
Actually I know some sites I am really trying to see if I can find some with a collection of sermons in PDF. For those of you out there who do not know Hooker he was an Anglican Divine with what might be called strong "Puritan" sensibilities, should check him out.

I certainly wouldn't call Hooker a Puritan especially having waded through his The Laws of Ecclesiastical polity.
Actually I know some sites I am really trying to see if I can find some with a collection of sermons in PDF. For those of you out there who do not know Hooker he was an Anglican Divine with what might be called strong "Puritan" sensibilities, should check him out.

I certainly wouldn't call Hooker a Puritan especially having waded through his The Laws of Ecclesiastical polity.
People.......the reference to Hooker was tongue in my first post I stated clearly the man was Anglican! My Puritan sensibilities reference had to do with the man's focus on piety (at a personal level) and his devotional focus. (My best Nepolian Dynamite....Gosh!):)
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