Backlogged In Books

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Puritan Board Freshman
This is perhaps the best problem a person can possibly have; to have a stack of books on your desk waiting to read through. I know I must not be the only person with this great problem on here so here is what I'm working through, what are you guys try to get through?

-Christian Leaders of the 18th Centary by Ryle.
I'm 1/2 way through this book, very good.

-Wrongly Dividing The Word of Truth by Gerstner.
I found this one in a used store today. I got through 30 pages on the bus on the trip home and it was really easy reading so I might go nuts on this book tonight and see how far I can get.

-The Christ of the Covenants by Robertson.
Me and some other young people started to discuss Baptism/Covenant theology Sunday evenigns at my church. Since I'm the only one there that holds to it (they are undecided) I wanted some direction in how to explain things. Haven't had the time to really start on this one yet.

-Lectures on Calvinism by Kuyper.
One of three books I ordered through Solid Ground's 40% off sale that someojne pointed out on here (thanks to whoever did that by the way). It arrived yesterday. Got 20 pages into it, and it looked like it might be a really good book.

-Spiratural Depression by Lloyd-Jones.
Second book through Solid Ground. Been wanting to buy this book for a long time. Haven't even looked at it yet.

-Christianty and Liberalism by Machen.
This is the third book through Solid Ground, and it has yet to arrive. It'll be an interesting book to read when going back to University.

Of course since I go back to School in the first week of Septemeber I'll have an hour bus ride each way to get through this books so I should finish off at least one a week so I'm not to worried about the backlog yet ;)

Working on The Covenant of Life Opened by Rutherford.


[Edited on 8-26-2005 by Scott Bushey]

I'm the exact same way -I have at least 20 books in various states of completion. Not to mention the stacks of books that I bought because it was such a great deal that I couldn't pass it today, $ 0.68 for a little book called Calvin On God and Political Duty.

What kind of a dolt wouldn't empty some pocket change for that?

With all of my cds and books I bet I could never buy another book for the rest of my life and still not finish them all...unless all I did was read 8 hours a day. And that's not even counting all of the music and art books...I need to learn how to speed read (assuming that isn't a myth).

[Edited on 8-27-2005 by SmokingFlax]
The Temple and the Church's Mission by GK Beale

Covenant Theology in Reformed Perspective by M. W. Karlberg

The Returning King by V. Poythress

Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life by Ronald S. Wallace

Originally posted by joshua
Bryan, I am working through way too many myself. I'm too embarrassed to list the 20 or so books I've started and yet to finish. :chained:


... in other words "me too". On top of this I've invested many $100's in Acordance Bible Software add-on Resources for Original Language Study and reference.

Though, I cannot think of a better way to spend our lives then growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. Nearly all of the major life problems I experienced in my 20's and 30's came from not pursing this level of disciplined study in the Bible, Theology, Church History, etc. I'm constantly amazed and grateful to see so many young men like Josh, Jacob, Gabe, Ryan, Paul, and many others who are pursuing these things so diligently as young men! Keep it up guys! The Church needs you desperately.

[Edited on 8-27-2005 by BrianBowman]
I am not bogged down in books for the first time in my life (meaning, I only have about 6 in front of me).

Thanks to Robin on Beale--it is a textbook for my Synoptics class. :thumbup:
- The Earthly Career of Jesus the Christ, R.D. Culver
- Redemption Accomplished and Applied, J. Murray
- Existence and Attributes of God, S. Charnock
- A History of the Baptists, T. Armitage
- 1689, A Modern Exposition, S.E. Waldron
- Biblical Theology, G. Vos
- Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, W.G.T. Shedd
I'm currently reading through:

Messiah the Prince, By William Symington
Theonomy in Christian Ethics, By Greg L. Bahnsen
A Body of Divinity, By Thomas Watson
Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici, ed. By David W. Hall
The Resurrection of the Son of God, By N.T. Wright
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Book Two), By John Calvin
Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation, By Geerhardus Vos
Last Days Madness, By Gary DeMar
Originally posted by WrittenFromUtopia
I'm currently reading through:

Messiah the Prince, By William Symington
Theonomy in Christian Ethics, By Greg L. Bahnsen
A Body of Divinity, By Thomas Watson
Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici, ed. By David W. Hall
The Resurrection of the Son of God, By N.T. Wright
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Book Two), By John Calvin
Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation, By Geerhardus Vos
Last Days Madness, By Gary DeMar

Nice list, Gabe!

Messiah the Prince is one of my all-time favorite books. I just got it in electronic format recently. :book2::pilgrim::up:
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