Books 'n' authors!

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Puritan Board Junior
Just finished Hard to Believe (MacArthur), so now I'm looking for more good books. Lately I've been interested in a book on the history of the church (Christianity), so any suggestions on that would be good.

Another topic of interest, or rather topicS of interest, would be the different... Branches? I guess you would say... Of Christianity. Ie Pelagianism, Catholicism, etc. Basically I'm wanting to learn how they would try to defend their beliefs. Hope this makes sense...
How about Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur and The Passion of Jesus Christ by John Piper.

Piper's book is available online for free as well.
Originally posted by Ivan
And what did you think of the book?

I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very motivating and it's sad to see the direction that the "church" is headed in, ie not needing to hear the gospel to be saved.

Originally posted by PuritanheadRegarding, church history, The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform is a good overview of church history from IVP, which a conservative publisher... I think it is ideal for young adult (high school/college), and for constraints of time, it is better than your trying to tackle Philip Schaff's 8-volume church history.

Thanks! A buddy at school is a big philosophy nut and is always trying to point out what appears to be mistakes in the Bible and brings up Church history quite often, so this should be helpful. :)
Originally posted by ~~Susita~~
Originally posted by Ivan
And what did you think of the book?

I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very motivating and it's sad to see the direction that the "church" is headed in, ie not needing to hear the gospel to be saved.

Originally posted by PuritanheadRegarding, church history, The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform is a good overview of church history from IVP, which a conservative publisher... I think it is ideal for young adult (high school/college), and for constraints of time, it is better than your trying to tackle Philip Schaff's 8-volume church history.

Thanks! A buddy at school is a big philosophy nut and is always trying to point out what appears to be mistakes in the Bible and brings up Church history quite often, so this should be helpful. :)

See John Frame's Apologetics to the Glory of God and Greg Bahnsen's Always Ready.
For church history, a couple of recommendations for introduction:

[1] Kregel Pictorial Guide to Church History by John Hannah. This is a very short (32 pages) but good intro. Hannah teaches church history at Westminster Dallas and DTS. He is reliable.
[2] For a slightly longer introduction (95 pages), see Justo Gonzalez' Church History: An Essential Guide . Gonzalez' longer works (the 2 or 3 volume Story of Christianity) are used at some reformed seminaries. They are good too if you are looking for something longer.

One of the most important topics today is godly worship. Calvin placed reform of worship as the number one priority of the Reformation (over the doctrine of salvation). This is a great introductory book: With Reverence and Awe: Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship .


[Edited on 1-18-2006 by Scott]
I know of two new books which have been written for young people but they are good for those who haven't really read up on early church or mediaeval church history before and not just young adults. These are two new books just out in the u.k. from a new series: History lives
Peril and Peace - The chronicles of the ancient church
Monks and Mystics - The chronicles of the medieval church.
They are written by a husband and wife team: Mindy and Brandon Withrow. Brandon Withrow has been involved with Westminster Seminary. These books are being very well received. They are an easy read with a lot packed in.
ISBN 1 84550 082 2
ISBN 1 84550 083 0

The History Makers series by Christian Focus Publications has some really good reads in it and covers a selection of historical christian characters. The same publishing company has some other historical/Christian heritage titles that are worth looking at.

Read Head ;)
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