Books on the Justice of God

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Backwoods Presbyterian

Puritanboard Amanuensis
Can a person on PB recommend stand alone* works dealing with the Justice of God? Can be from any era of Church History.

(*- Stand alone means not in a section of someone's Systematic Theology)
We certainly could do with monographs on that, and the principles by which that justice is to be applied to human affairs e.g. the state.

Parts of Vern Poythress's "The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses" and Fairbairn's "Revelation of Law in Scripture" give food for thought on just crimes and penalties.

If you mean a book that accounts for the reality of eternal punishment, Shedd's book published by BoT is good.
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I'm currently reading The God Who Justifies by James White, but I don't think this is what you mean. It is a good book though and I recommend it.
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