Building a Church "Building". Options?

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Staff member
Anyone have any experience with building a church building; what the options are etc? Our elders and deacons are wresting with what to do as we have really out grown our building. I've made a suggestion or two to a deacon but if anyone has some great ideas I'll pass them along. Any just "church builders" out there? Inventory of old church buildings that can be moved to a site? We live in an overzealously ordinanced community which ups the costs and problems of building considerably. So we are looking at building on our present site or even selling and moving if we have to do so.
I still welcome any ideas on this. We have had significant growth in the last months and last Lord's day a family had to set some of their children "next to me" :candle: (confirmed bachelor here). I sit on a back pew with all the recording equipment.
Chris, I'm sure you survived those precious ones...LOL! (sorry, no ideas...I'm familiar with church library and sunday school secretarial work only).
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