Daily Kindle Deals on Challies.com

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Puritan Board Freshman
For those unaware, Tim Challies has a page on his website which he updates daily that includes kindle deals on good Christian books. It can be found here: https://www.challies.com/kindle-deals-for-christians/

Since he updates it daily, I like to keep the tab open and check it every day to see if there is anything good on sale. Often there is. And often the sales are quite substantial. I am very grateful that he does this and I just wanted to share it with anyone who might not know.
Thanks for this.. I much prefer to read off my Kindle and Kindle app. Most of my Library is Kindle and I have found many free Kindle books online.. especially from the Puritans... even Berkof's Systematic Theology.

That book on Ruth is on Ligonier's top 5 list of commentaries list.
Yes, I agree. I find that I am acquiring and reading increasingly more books on kindle rather than print. Print is nice, but Kindle is often cheaper and more often has sales like these.

I was very surprised to find so many of the NICOT and NICNT books on sale for Kindle as well!
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