For all you fathers and young ladies:

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What about a test for the future young lady? Why is she innocent - let her go through a proverbs 31 test by the future mother in law!
You know what's funny? My girls (the ones my wife and I live with) all LOVED this. Most asked me to please print it out and give it to them to keep. I was shocked. I expected them to roll their eyes and think "There goes crazy Mr. Leavelle again" but instead they've embraced it. Even one of my former kids who is now 23 with two daughters of her own e-mailed me after seeing it on my "My Space" page and said "that's why I love you Mr. Leavelle!"
Originally posted by caleb_woodrow
I wonder how many of the men administering these "tests" would have fared if they were made to take the tests in their younger days.
With the understanding that we are primarily jesting here: TRUE STORIES

1) Someone I know (and I think Andrew (aka V-H) knows) actually had his future F-i-L ask him pretty much the same question I posed.

I doubt if I'll be that blatant... but another person I know married a person who never did (or refused to?) 'consumate' their relationship. Nightmare.

2) My F-i-L gave me a test. He pulled out his .45 in my presence, disassembled it, reassembled it, cleared it, handed it to me, and told me he like me to do the same. I "passed", primarily because the first thing I did was 'reclear' the weapon.
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