Friend Needs Help with Postmodernists: Help!

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Puritan Board Professor
*This might be the wrong forum please move it if need be...I didn't know where to put it.

My friend is not reformed, let's just say he is a typical evangelical. He is in college now (bible college) and most of his friends have a postmodern approach to the Scriptures. My friend however believes that only Scripture gives us truth and talking with him this evening is convinced of the great principle of Scripture interpreting Scripture.

Now I'm looking to help my friend because of the many disagreements that he has with postmodernists around him. I'm looking for an article, perhaps something shorter rather than longer (he is in college and is already reading a lot) that might better equip him to minister to these people around him. Perhaps a work focused predominately at helping postmodernists understand that the only rule of faith and practice is Scripture and not culture or experience. Help please!
Do his friends just not trust Scripture to speak to them on its own terms or are they postmodern? There's a difference. I think it is quick and easy to say the latter as a grab-bag.
postmodern, they like Scripture when it works for them, and when it doesn't then "that was that time, this is now". Everything is, as I said, interpreted by experience and culture and not by Scripture.
He might just as well confront them on the fact that their fundamental problem is not with the Scriptures but with the God of the Scriptures who speaks through His Word in uncompromising sovereignty.
You have to specify what you mean by post-modernism. It has become a catch all phrase for people to use to describe those with whom they disagree. But even after twenty years, the best book on post-modernism/pluralism is ''The gagging of God'' by DA Carson. DA Carson's works and lectures (can be downloaded from the Gospel coallition website) are the most balanced on this subject in my opinion.
I believe I did qualify what I meant by postmodernism at least as it has to do with what my friend is dealing with...
I believe I did qualify what I meant by postmodernism at least as it has to do with what my friend is dealing with...
ok I did not see that, I think that was posted as I was writing my statement. By recommendations stay the same though with Carson. Also, Horton's first 2 chapters in his ST is useful there, as well as the works of Kevin Vanhoozer especially ''Is there meaning in this text''.
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