Gnostics - Personal Experiences


Puritan Board Sophomore
Have you had any experience with actual modern day gnostics?

I realise it’s a niche group in a largely naturalistic society today (although as I look now online there are 25k members of the subreddit for gnosticism). Their thinking seems very difficult to pin down given their insistence on hidden knowledge and large denial of defined doctrine. It’s very disturbing especially as I’ve seen a great deal of overlap with the occult. I don’t know how much most modern day gnostics have in common with those during the time of the early church, and how much variability there is within its adherents.

If you have had any experience with gnostics or gnosticism, would you care to share your thoughts, and how it should be dealt with?
I used to be involved with the masons. For the most part, modern day masons are just part of an old boys club and do fundraisers and drink coffee together. But there are some who actually peddle the masonic theology, which is gnostic in origin. When God saved me, I renounced all of it.