Has anyone here done Swagbucks?

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Puritan Board Doctor
I just heard of this Swagbucks thing. You can earn Amazon gift cards I guess. I am thinking of doing it to support my Puritan book habit. I just wonder how much searching you have to do to earn say a $25 Amazon gift card? Someone on my FB earned that much.

Here is a link.
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I have just started reading about that. I would love to find out if anyone has really tried it and it worked. I would do it if I knew for sure it wasn't a scam. From what I have read you can earn a lot of different gifts and gift cards.
Mindy, one of my FB friends bought all her homeschooling material with Swagbucks. I am reading it too but I can't figure out if you win them or earn them. It seems like it is all luck and not just earning??
I am using it. A friend of mine got me started on it, she has already used several gift cards for Amazon. :)

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 PM ----------

Mindy, one of my FB friends bought all her homeschooling material with Swagbucks. I am reading it too but I can't figure out if you win them or earn them. It seems like it is all luck and not just earning??

Oh there is a very decided process. You can earn at least one a day just by doing a few daily searches. :) And there are also codes that are available that can yeild 1 or more SB. I can't remember where my friend finds these codes, but she always does and gives them to me. I will try to pass them along if anyone wants them. However they are time sensitive, so one must be on the ball in that regard. :)
I also use it, and use the swagbucks to get $5 amazon gift cards. Have averaged about 2 1/2 a month. If you do sign up sign up under someone that already does it, and they will win one when you do....

I am not sure how to win huge amounts, I just use it to search for anything.
Thanks for sharing this, I do searches all the time, and I could definitely use some Amazon gift cards! :)
I signed up. It was really non-invasive and they promise not to share your info and they don't ask for much info at all. They only asked for my name and email. I already have 4 swagbucks. :)
I have been using for about 6 months.

So far I have received a home in the Hollywood Hills, a 2010 Porsche 911, a cruise in the Mediterranean, a $10,000 Apple gift card, a vintage 1975 Dom Perignom Champagne, the key to the City of Los Angeles, dinner with President Obama, and a genuine Sable fur coat for my wife.

They told me that if I used the codes that I would get the good prizes.... but who has time tracking down all of those codes when I got a Porsche 911 to drive?

I have been using for about 6 months.

So far I have received a home in the Hollywood Hills, a 2010 Porsche 911, a cruise in the Mediterranean, a $10,000 Apple gift card, a vintage 1975 Dom Perignom Champagne, the key to the City of Los Angeles, dinner with President Obama, and a genuine Sable fur coat for my wife.

They told me that if I used the codes that I would get the good prizes.... but who has time tracking down all of those codes when I got a Porsche 911 to drive?


That's all you got? :down: It's clearly not worth it then. I will stick with the prosperity gospel. :p
It's definitely not a scam, and we've used a few of our swagbucks.

But the searches themselves Stink!!! (yes, the badness deserves italics, a capital S, and exclamation points)

It is now habit, whenever I want to search for something, to open a new tab and use Swagbucks to get the buck. Then I close that tab and search for the same thing using Google. But that gets really old, really fast.
Thanks for that tidbit, Rachel. I thought it was something you installed that "monitored" your Google searches, or whatever you searched on normally. Bad search engines frustrate me.
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