Help with Latin

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Don Kistler

Puritan Board Sophomore
Can someone please help me with this Latin phrase by way of translation?

praeclara bravia acceperet

Thanks in advance.
Well, I think the last word is misspelled. It should be: praeclara bravia acciperet

It means something along the lines of, "he should receive a splendid prize." More context would clarify more.
Here's the whole sentence:

he exulted in the severest punishments as if praeclara bravia acceperet.

And your translation fits perfectly. Thank you for the help.

Here's another one if you care to tackle it:

As opposition of sin in the wicked improves their sin, so opposition of grace in the godly improves their grace. Luther made reproaches his food, he was nourished by them: virtutem intelligo animosam et excelsam quam incitat quicquid infestat,
I understand virtue [to be something] courageous and noble, that is aroused [by] whatever troubles.
Thanks much for your help. This particular chapter has an inordinate amount of Latin in it that is not immediately translated by the author into English. Can I keep bothering you as I go through it?
Don, I have used this online site when I come across Latin in books that I can't figure out. Sometimes I break a long sentence up and I get the idea.

Latin Phrase Translation - Latin Online Translation

Don, an aside note. I appreciate your work with Soli Deo Gloria Ministries, especially loving your Christopher Love book and Why Read the Puritans. Keep up the great work.
Janice, thanks for the Latin translation site, and thanks also for the kind words.
I haven't been with Soli Deo Gloria since 2006, but I'm proud of what was accomplished up until that time.
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