How Many PBers Are Former PC(USA)er's?

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I was in the PCA, switched to the PCUSA , and we only lasted 3 years there. My older daughter was baptized in the PCUSA. I was glad to be out of there.
Baptised in a UPCUSA church a long time ago (pre-merger), ordained an Elder in the PCUSA (no PCA or OPC churches in the area). Been out of the PCUSA for the past 14 years. Tried staying in the PCUSA to see if I could make a difference but I got tired of being called a Fundementalist Baptist! :banghead:
Baptised in a UPCUSA church a long time ago (pre-merger), ordained an Elder in the PCUSA (no PCA or OPC churches in the area). Been out of the PCUSA for the past 14 years. Tried staying in the PCUSA to see if I could make a difference but I got tired of being called a Fundementalist Baptist! :banghead:

:lol: Wow. That's crazy.
Hi! You did say former, and since I'm still in, I'll crash the party and post anyway. I'd love to be called a fundamentalist baptist. Once when I finished a class on the Puritan Church period, and I had read some of the fire and brimstone sermons they preached back then, some of the people were uncomfortable. They said "Nice sermon Tim" as they left. I just smiled. :D
UPCUSA, northern NJ, 1965-1974. I was converted sometime during that period.

PCUS-PC(USA), Norfolk, VA, 1982-1985.

I was baptized in a Dutch Reformed congregation that merged with a PCUSA congregation when I was 6. From then on, all our ministers were Presbyterian and essentially, so was the congregation. I was there until I was 12, when my Dad moved our family out of town.
I've been all over the presbyterian map on this.

First PCUS when growing up. UPCUSA for a couple of years in college, till I shook the dust from my shoes and switched to a fundy Bible Church. Back to PCUS after the Navy in Gainesville, FL and moved to PCA a couple of years after it started.

Then in Germantown, TN, joined a RPCES for a year only to switch to a PCA church plant that went to the hyper-theonomy deep end. This was followed by self-imposed exile to the PCUSA (Dr. J. R. DeWitt's church) which took the escape clause process to move to EPC. Then with great rejoicing, back to the RPCES church which after J&R is PCA.
Grew up in the southern church (PCUS); the church finally was simply to liberal to tolerate and my family switched to another PCUS that went PCA while I was in college. Was out of the PCA for the last 12 years and now back in.
I was raised Methodist, but I married a southern Presbyterian boy! We were PCUSA the first 15 years or so of our marriage until the Lord opened our eyes. We have been either ARP or PCA since then, praise God!
I've been all over the presbyterian map on this.

First PCUS when growing up. UPCUSA for a couple of years in college, till I shook the dust from my shoes and switched to a fundy Bible Church. Back to PCUS after the Navy in Gainesville, FL and moved to PCA a couple of years after it started.

Then in Germantown, TN, joined a RPCES for a year only to switch to a PCA church plant that went to the hyper-theonomy deep end. This was followed by self-imposed exile to the PCUSA (Dr. J. R. DeWitt's church) which took the escape clause process to move to EPC. Then with great rejoicing, back to the RPCES church which after J&R is PCA.

Wow, no offense, brother, but that's enough to make a Baptist's head spin! :p :lol:
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