If you had to pick one place to live...

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Hey Trevor,the next time you are in Jakarta ,God willing, you need to visit(if able) Puncak.It is translated basically Flower City.It is kind of a long drive.Maybe two hours.It is basically best to go during the week days because of the traffic there during the weekends.Part of the drive is great as well.You get to go to safari park and drive through zoo around all types of animals(including tigers,keep windows rolled up),and afterwards you will drive up into the mountains and get a great view of a valley of tea fields.It is so green and beautiful!Oh and once you are high up it gets cool.Which is really great because of the rest of Indonesia being so hot all of the time.Oh and the city.BEAUTIFUL!The whole town is very colorful.It looks more like an amusement park than a city.Flowers are everywhere and the houses are a luxurious european design.There are houses that are forsale also.Much cheaper than what they would be here of course.Plus they have open house for you to check it out the insides.I have pictures of our visit.Maybe I will upload them soon.
High Pyrenees, South of France.

Oops, that where I am :)

Merry Christmas everyone btw have a happy holiday.

There is a bigger one coming.
Originally posted by BaptistInCrisis
Heaven. Outside of the United States that is the only place I would rather reside.

Agreed. :handshake:

I've never been outside the 48 states. Ever. Not even to Niagra Falls. (Land of Liberals. Ugh. Belongs more to New York City or San Francisco.) I have no plans to set foot in foreign soil while in this earthly body. No place can come near to the beauty, freedom and friendliness.

Now, if I were to choose a place in the good ol' US of A, it'd probably be the northern parts of Mississippi. Or Texas.
Originally posted by Globachio
Originally posted by BaptistInCrisis
Heaven. Outside of the United States that is the only place I would rather reside.

Agreed. :handshake:

I've never been outside the 48 states. Ever. Not even to Niagra Falls. (Land of Liberals. Ugh. Belongs more to New York City or San Francisco.) I have no plans to set foot in foreign soil while in this earthly body. No place can come near to the beauty, freedom and friendliness.

Now, if I were to choose a place in the good ol' US of A, it'd probably be the northern parts of Mississippi. Or Texas.

Ah well! Narrow mindedness, it's a fact of life.

Then again... who am I to judge?
Originally posted by Globachio

I've never been outside the 48 states. Ever. Not even to Niagra Falls. (Land of Liberals. Ugh. Belongs more to New York City or San Francisco.) I have no plans to set foot in foreign soil while in this earthly body. No place can come near to the beauty, freedom and friendliness.

Now, if I were to choose a place in the good ol' US of A, it'd probably be the northern parts of Mississippi. Or Texas.

Ah well! Narrow mindedness, it's a fact of life.

Then again... who am I to judge? [/quote]

No. Not narrow mindedness. Absolute CLOSE MINDEDNESS. And proud of it!:banana::banana:
Been to Europe and Africa. Send me to the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Amen brother! Carry me back to old Virginny. I'll go wherever the Lord wants me to go. Untill God moves me I'm staying in the Blue Ridge.
I lived in Rapid City S.D. for awhile and liked it there very well. Also spent a year in Iceland. It would have been real nice had it not been for the constant gale force winds.
Amen brother! Carry me back to old Virginny. I'll go wherever the Lord wants me to go. Untill God moves me I'm staying in the Blue Ridge.
I lived in Rapid City S.D. for awhile and liked it there very well. Also spent a year in Iceland. It would have been real nice had it not been for the constant gale force winds.

I love Virginia! Beautiful mountains and great people! I used to live in VA when I was a kid. I went to school in Fairfax county.
I would really go for something like....

Put me in some sleepy little village like this somewhere in the UK....

PRC, Yunnan, Kumming.
the only reason i am not there now is that my wife wants to retire from her job and really doesn't like China.
Depends, if we're talking about just a place to go live for my own pleasure and enjoyment, I'd say probably the Swiss Alps or New Zealand. If we're talking about missions, I'd say probably somewhere in the Middle East/Central Asia.

For those considering where the Lord might lead them, seek whether He may be calling you to labour with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia in Frankston South, Victoria.

Lord willing, I'll live in Temecula, CA again some day. It's pretty enough but I just love some dear friends there and it's closer to some relatives that live in Monterey. For the climate, I loved living in Monterey but it's so expensive to live there.
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