If you were to do a PhD ...

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Puritan Board Junior
Hi all,

I know that there are many academics and well learned people in the puritanboard forum. I'm somewhat considering pursuing academics further as well, and am curious what's hot out there in theological scholarship. Just to throw a question out there ...

If you could do a/nother PhD, what would you want to pursue as your thesis?
I'd love to do one in either historical or systematic theology. I'd like to write on the Trinity or Jonathan Edwards. (Or John Owen, or...) :book2:

If you looking for what's "in" as far as scholarship I would recommend looking at and/or subscribing to the following Journals (others feel free to chime in)

Journal of Biblical Literature (Journal of the SBL)
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Westminster Theological Journal
Calvin Theological Journal
Journal of the Evangelical Philosophical Society
Faith and Philosophy (Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers)

But to answer your original post if I were to do doctorate it would be in Apologetics.
I'm not really sure what's "hot." It's not really relevant. You don't get well-known for doing what's "hot," but for bringing something up that people haven't thought about for a few decades.

I want to do work in prolegomena, particularly in how philosophy, method, and organization affect the outcomes of particular theologies.
It's probably too early, but I'd like to see a study comparing and contrasting Uncle Tom's Cabin with The Shack.

Having listened to them both this past year, it struck me that the basic theodicy behind each could not be more opposite. I'd like to see the not only a literary study of the books, but also a study on the impact the books had on their culture.
If I had my druthers I would study Christian Ethics at Oxford. Despite the liberalism that is rampant at the university they have a very strong ethics program.
Probably either electrical engineering or computer science.

Oh, you said theological?

...never mind then. :)
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