I'm the Most Humble Guy Ever (Split from "Just a Thought" thread)

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Snow Miser
I'm the most humble person on the face of the earth and you can't talk to me like that.

I am the least of those who are not worthy to praise you for your humility. When it comes to knowledge, I am but an assistant apprentice trainee wannabee.
Nay Bob, thou sayest too much.

In reality, I am but an apprentice of the apprentice of the assistant apprentice trainee wannabee. I am not worthy to breathe, but must do so only to further espouse how unworthy I am to breathe to you and all others. For that violation, I am repentant, which causes more violation.

Once, during an Orthodox Jewish synagogue service, the Rebbe, while reading a psalm, was struck by his nothingness before God. "O Master of the Univers, I am nothing before You!" he cried, and prostrated himself. "I, too, am nothing!"cried the cantor, and also prostrated himself. A loud crash in the back caused him to look up and see Moshe the tailor prostrating himself as well. He reached over and tugged the Rebbe's sleeve and whispered. "Look who thinks he's nothing!"
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