In Christ Alone

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I wish there were more modern worship songs or "hymns" like this one. It is a current favorite.
Boy, I'm really confused. I know that this song is in our Trinity Hymnal yet the Internet states this couple wrote the song. :doh: Anyway, I really like the song too...great voice too!
Boy, I'm really confused. I know that this song is in our Trinity Hymnal yet the Internet states this couple wrote the song. :doh: Anyway, I really like the song too...great voice too!

You don't have to be dead to have a song in a hymnal ;) My uncle Charles has several that are in various hymnals and he is very much alive!
Boy, I'm really confused. I know that this song is in our Trinity Hymnal yet the Internet states this couple wrote the song. :doh: Anyway, I really like the song too...great voice too!

Your Trinity Hymnal must be different from mine. It's not in the one we use.

-----Added 2/5/2009 at 09:58:42 EST-----

I think the words to the song are really good, but I don't care for the music.

I don't want to sound negative, but I feel like the song is very trendy. Maybe I'm just sensitive to it because I don't like the music, but it seems like it is overused. At least in my church.
Boy, I'm really confused. I know that this song is in our Trinity Hymnal yet the Internet states this couple wrote the song. :doh: Anyway, I really like the song too...great voice too!

Your Trinity Hymnal must be different from mine. It's not in the one we use.

-----Added 2/5/2009 at 09:58:42 EST-----

I think the words to the song are really good, but I don't care for the music.

I don't want to sound negative, but I feel like the song is very trendy. Maybe I'm just sensitive to it because I don't like the music, but it seems like it is overused. At least in my church.

Most songs that have ever been written were "trendy" for the era in which they were written.
Most songs that have ever been written were "trendy" for the era in which they were written.

To a degree I might agree with you, but I still see "trendy" as a negative thing. That's why I don't listen to pop radio--I don't want to hear the same songs over and over and over and over. Being "trendy" doesn't necessarily make a song inferior, but it can turn a lot of people off to it.
Good song, great lyrics. I've heard it performed in many different styles and at many different tempos. The arrangement lends itself to that.

For contemporary worship music it's one of maybe not even a "handful" I can stomach. It's certainly much better than Shine Jesus Shine.

At a church my family and I attended a few years back, the musicians performed it using a Celtic arrangement and instruments.
The Gettys have done a lot of hymns. Most of them are very good. I find it refreshing to see their talents directed in that effort.
Most songs that have ever been written were "trendy" for the era in which they were written.

To a degree I might agree with you, but I still see "trendy" as a negative thing. That's why I don't listen to pop radio--I don't want to hear the same songs over and over and over and over. Being "trendy" doesn't necessarily make a song inferior, but it can turn a lot of people off to it.

Oh, I'm with you there. I hate pop radio . . . not necessarily because I don't want to hear the same songs over and over, but I don't want to hear the same BAD songs over and over. Sometimes trendiness truly does make something inferior -- in order for something to become widely popular, it often has to appeal to the lowest common denominator so it can appeal to the widest base of people. :lol: Praise Jesus for my iPod and good music.

I guess all I'm saying is that every era has its distinctive styles, and something shouldn't have to have stood the test of 50 or more years in order for us to receive it as good.
Boy, I'm really confused. I know that this song is in our Trinity Hymnal yet the Internet states this couple wrote the song. :doh: Anyway, I really like the song too...great voice too!

Be confused no more! It is not in the Trinity Hymnal. The TH was last updated in 1990 and this hymn was written after that. For once the internet is right.:p
It is a great hymn-powerful words and beautiful music.
Great song, and why would we let someone who abuses it take it away from us?
If we could not use what bad men had abused then Benny Hinn has taken Jesus from us.
Good thing will always be abused
Good song, great lyrics. I've heard it performed in many different styles and at many different tempos. The arrangement lends itself to that.

For contemporary worship music it's one of maybe not even a "handful" I can stomach. It's certainly much better than Shine Jesus Shine[/I].

At a church my family and I attended a few years back, the musicians performed it using a Celtic arrangement and instruments.

Made me laugh by reminding me of hearing Dr. Boice at PCRT say he had not heard of it and thought it was a floor wax commercial.

As to trendy, I don't think it is right even though it may ahve been done historically. I think holy "set apartness" should be our guide in practice and worship.
Boy, I'm really confused. I know that this song is in our Trinity Hymnal yet the Internet states this couple wrote the song. :doh: Anyway, I really like the song too...great voice too!

In Christ Alone was written by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty as joint effort. Often the Getty's get credit for it.
Boy, I'm really confused. I know that this song is in our Trinity Hymnal yet the Internet states this couple wrote the song. :doh: Anyway, I really like the song too...great voice too!

Be confused no more! It is not in the Trinity Hymnal. The TH was last updated in 1990 and this hymn was written after that. For once the internet is right.:p
It is a great hymn-powerful words and beautiful music.

Then why is it in our hymnal? We have the Trinity Hymnal. Now if I've imagined all of this I'm going to have you guys hand me my sign
Are you sure it is in the original hymnal and not been stuck in at the back. I'm not at home or in the seminary library or I would check again. But I do know that at my former church we used the TH and if we sang this hymn then we had a bulletin insert.

Well one of us is having a blond moment. But I'm OK with having blond moments. Even with my shaved head I have several each day. No seriously, trust me I'm a nurse!
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